My research is broadly concerned with understanding the evolution of the terrestrial planets and icy moons. Iām interested in how geological processes have shaped the solid surfaces visible today, and in particular the role that water has played throughout the history of Mars.
The history of water on Mars
Fluvial geomorphology, sedimentology and geochemistry
Periglacial processes at high and low latitudes
Mechanical properties of hydrated minerals and salt-damaged rocks
Recent climate change
Stereo-derived DTM generation
The Moon
Characterisation of landing sites for future missions
MoonZoo: citizen science and crater age-dating
Change detection and surface monitoring
Corona-related volcanism
Small-scale volcanism and global resurfacing and heat flow
Upper crustal magmatic and tectonic processes at radially-fractured centres
Low mass and cost imaging drop probes for surface studies
Titan & Icy Moons
The internal structure and thermal evolution of Titan
Small-scale mud volcanism on TItan
Micro-penetrators for in-situ exploration of Europa